I thought we were talking about sex discrimination, not sexual harrassment.
Topic drift. I was responding to brenda:
much like sexual harassment against men, it's probably hard enough to demonstrate in court as to be a not terribly meaningful protection
I just haven't gone back to add the context yet.
Sorry about the frustration Allyson, although I have to admit to being a little freaked out about paying eight bucks for a hamburger.
Do you really think it's hard to prove sexual harassment against men? I can totally see where a guy would have piles of a different sort of embarassment about pressing charges no matter the gender of the harasser, but the acts themselves seem they'd be pretty clear. And the jury would probably really be on his side if the harasser was a guy.
Things might have changed, but I do remember seeing some really appalling stories where men claiming harassment (in this case by other men, for effeminacy (sp?)), were basically told by the company to suck it up, and by at least one judge that since they were all men, there was no basis for a claim. Like I said, I don't know if that's still the case anymore. One would hope not.
much like sexual harassment against men,
Ah -- my eye completely skipped over that phrase.
I have to admit to being a little freaked out about paying eight bucks for a hamburger.
It's LA. House and burger prices are proportional to each other.
I don't know if that's still the case anymore. One would hope not.
Hoping with you.
Dude, hook me up. My neighborhood is all banks, and the food options are priced accordingly. (I basically have a choice between pizza, soup, or spending at least 8 bucks every day. Or bringing my lunch, which I've started doing much more now that we've got a TJ's in town.)
The few eight dollar burgers I've had have all been very nummy.
For some reason, I am suddenly hungry. But I drove today, which means I can go get General Tso's scallops.
I think that might happen.
It's LA. House and burger prices are proportional to each other.
Oddly enough, Frank Bruni would not necessarily agree.
Although I didn't bat an eyelash when JG Melon, which is basically a pub, charged $8 or so for one of the best burgers in town, when Corner Bistro, with the same atmosphere and the same reputation, charges $4-5.
Three cheers for shrift!!!
Whoot! Whoot! Whoot!