Not that it's likely, but pretty much, yeah. Though every so often some guy sues Hooters or somewhere for not letting him pole dance.
Race and sex are both protected classes, so you could definitely make a claim if you could prove you'd been discriminated against because you are white or male.
What they said. We actually talked about Hooters in my HR class last year.
They can fire you for being white or male?
Haven't done the research, but the statute says no discrimination on the basis of race or sex, not no discrimination against any specific race or sex.
And I can't remember a cite for the cases that say (1) sexual harassment = sex discrimination, and (2) sexual harassment of a male is illegal sexual harassment.
I can see not getting hired because you're the wrong gender, but getting fired--Hec says what I figured--protected class.
Hec, I'm sorry to hear all this is happening to you. Best of luck at turning it into something that kickstarts you towards more fulfillment.
Looks like the guy who dumped the meeting on me (without giving me any prep stuff) has had the meeting dumped back on him. Excellent to hear. I still have to attend (although I don't know why), but at least I don't need to pretend to have a clue.
What they said.
Didn't they contradict each other?
Good luck finding someone to quit to, shrift!
They better not make me e-mail this bad boy.
No, what they each said reflected the fact that employment decisions can't be made on the basis of race, gender, veteran's status, etc, whatever else is in the law, which is my understanding. You can't hire or fire someone for being a man or for being a woman, either way.
Edit: Of course the laws were made to protect the people in the groups that are traditionally discriminated against, but they apply to everyone.
Not that it's likely, but pretty much, yeah.
Yeah, I was kind of speaking in terms of effect there - no, they can't out and out, but I'm guessing it's a much harder thing to prove/prevail in court if they do.
What they said. We actually talked about Hooters in my HR class last year.
Have y'all heard that Hooters Air is shutting down (except for chartered flights)?
Anyone have any miracle tips for getting new shoes to stop making your heels bleed?
Moleskin. Dr. Scholls brand, in the footcare aisle at the drug store.
Oh. I thought Brenda was saying they
fire you for being a white guy, and that Hec was saying they couldn't fire you based on your gender or race.
Aljazeera discusses the FSM: [link]