is today Take This Job And Shove It day for shrift?
Yes. I have written my letter of resignation. I just have to print it, sign it, and...
...figure out if I'm going to corner Big Boss
my immediate supervisor boss, or if I should just go with Big Boss.
how are you doing this morning, Hec?
I'm okay. I'm looking at the money and we're not in bad shape. Combined with unemployment, what EM owes me (which she can repay me by covering Emmett's summer camp) and my book advance we can easily go six months or longer.
I'm going to take the time to work on the book, and do some other writing as well. It'd be a good time to try and make the writing career more of an actual pay-the-rent kind of career. Because honestly, I don't really want to go back to another job. I probably need a career change. I should at least find some form of employment where I care about the work. Doing the admin/HR work at a law firm? Not rewarding.
Hec, what reason did they give you for termination?
Tom, my performance was inconsistent.
Go shrift, go!! I'd talk to whoever seems easier first. The news will spread.
David, have a lovely day today and think about The Future later. Sounds like you're in a good position.
I've been saying since the Shuffle came out that it looks like a pregnancy test. The Nano less so -- too wide.
Now I want to go to a churrascaria again, but I'm afraid I don't have any friends left here who would be into Mass Quantities of meat!
I thought they made little blue pills for this now, Hec.(/Beavis)
Tom, my performance was inconsistent.
It hardly seems like firing grounds. WTF?
Does anyone know if Jiasi is a female or male name. I'm guessing female, but I really don't want to go by my assumption.
I had a student named Gyasi (which I think would be pronounced in a similar way) and he was male.
Does anyone know if Jiasi is a female or male name.
Using Google Image Search is a good trick. Most of the matches are male - the female ones seem to have Jiasi as a last name.
Hec, if I had those psionic powers that I rightly should have, there would be several heads exploding at your ex-firm
right now.
Honestly, though? They're going to reap the wind because they'll be screwed without you to keep things running. Living well is really going to be your revenge.
It hardly seems like firing grounds. WTF?
Well, exactly. It was more that the LA Boss wanted to remake our department, and when my ex-boss and ex-coworker left she only needed to get rid of me to complete the project. Also worth noting that in the last ten months, I went four months without an immediate supervisor (so my coworker and I were covering that position) and another four months without a coworker (so I was covering his position as well as mine). This could have contributed to the lack of consistency.