My sister has a great animals-on-a-plane story, only hers is Turtles on a Plane.
Well, one turtle.
She was the first one (other than the guy who smuggled it on board) who saw it--it was motoring down the right side of the plane, and she saw it booking past her at what she originally thought was a rat's pace, and then when she realized it was a turtle, she was shocked at how fast it was going. It took her a few minutes to flag down the attendant, and then a few more minutes before said attendant caught up with the thing and picked it up. Just after that, the announcement came over the intercom, "Has anyone here lost a turtle?" A rather sheepish 30-something guy came forth to reclaim it, by this time safely ensconced in an extra cardboard box they pulled out of the galley.
Turtle On A Plane
to be ultra-pedantic.
Just the thought makes me grin like a loon.
Hec, I'm sorry as anything that it played out. May this be the beginning of the start of another and great phase of your life, though!
Sometimes, stupid shit throws me out of a TV show. On Without A Trace,
they just said some kid got taken away from his mother ten years ago because of her crystal meth habit.
That just seems SO unlikely.
New York City, mid-90s? Not such a hotbed of crystal meth use. As far as I know.
Not that it's impossible, there just seem like better candidates.
It does seem like
would have been a better choice, Jesse. Was it important to the story somehow?
ION, I am FRICKING COLD. I'm wearing the fingerless gloves Kat gave me.
Winter can bite me.
Hah-ha. It's not cold here.
Wherever Brenda is from (since my brain is frozen) can bite me too.
I don't know yet, Perkins, but I doubt it.
As I am far too drunk to post anything of substance right now, I will quote people I agree with:
The trouble I'm having is that I'm not sure what people mean by moral duty or moral beliefs. Or morality, period. It's possible that I have moral beliefs, and just call them something else, but it makes this conversation sort of surreal. Moral and immoral aren't words I use seriously. I do use "good" and "evil," but they basically mean "characterized by empathy" or "showing a lack of empathy," and nothing beyond that. Useful adjectives, but not... well, nouns, I suppose.
I tend to view it similarly to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. The more absolute we treat good and evil, the less we can profitably talk about what they actually mean.
Also, my Tivo did not tape Survivor tonight. It shall henceforth be punished. Bad Tivo! Baaaaaaaaad Tivo.
Which is to say, we fished them out of my cleavage when I left.
One these days, I need to get over my snake fear. I fear anything under about eight feet -- cause they can hide.
I sort of dealt with my shark fear (note to billytea and Epic:
Just shush you two. That restaurant overlooked the water and a shark could have been in that water. And come through the glass. And bited me. It could happen
.) to the point I've scuba'd a few times with some smaller ones and didn't have a panic attack the last trip.
I caught a baby shark when I was fishing off of Bar Harbor, ME back in 1982. At least, it was only about 18 inches long, and no more than a few inches across. Had the really cool shark smile, though! (The fish wrangler on the boat tossed him back, so no shark meat for dinner.)