I just took it as a story to tell people that no just god would ever demand human sacrifice. I mean, he made Abe go up to the mesa and all, but then he was all, "PSYCHE! Put down the knife, fool. I was just joshin' ya. I know you'd do it, and hey, that's great...fucked up, but great. But I'd never actually take your kid."
ETA: I'm just not a literalist.
Study too small to be statistically meaningful, but: researchers found no correlation between the ability to detect phishing sites and an individuals age, sex, education level or the time spent using a computer.
Is a Mr. Frosty truck the truck that makes the annoying "music" noises whenever I'm home sick?
Poor support guy. He sent me e-mail about installing my new docking station. I replied that he could just deliver it, I'd do the rest. He came by with it and told me at least three times how to contact him if I had any problems. He looked really sad.
Speaking of sad, I'm taking this migraine and going home.
Is a Mr. Frosty truck the truck that makes the annoying "music" noises whenever I'm home sick?
Yeah, sorry about that. Well, probably. You could have some other audible traffice out there in LA.
Okay, I dood it. I turned in the resume. I took some of the advice I received elsewhere and also added changes of my own. I could have obsessed more over it but I knew that a resume-writing handholding savior wasn't going to just materialize. Spending more time on it wouldn't be as beneficial as getting it in as early as possible. I theenk.
In my neighborhood, we don't have an ice cream truck driving really slow down the street, we have the tool sharpener guy banging his bell with a real hammer to tell people he's around to give your knives, lawn mower blades, and saws a tweak. Freaked me out when I first saw his little van, but now it's a sign of the return of spring.
Yeah, considering some of the jokers out there, I think getting it in is better than getting it perfect. As long as it's fine, if you know what I mean.
-t, the basic question is this: Did Abraham to the right thing when he followed God's directions to sacrifice his son? Whether God is likely to ask the same of you is not the important issue.
Go Spidra! Submit those resumes!
But does it matter if you think that the thing actually happened? What if I just think, "this is a nice story that teaches people that a just god wouldn't actually make you sacrifice your kid"?
I mean, he made Abe go up to the mesa and all, but then he was all, "PSYCHE! Put down the knife, fool. I was just joshin' ya. I know you'd do it, and hey, that's great...fucked up, but great. But I'd never actually take your kid."
Now I am thinking that my dislike of the Abraham/Isaac story is because I hate practical "jokes"