So, anyone here surprised by this?
Huh. Brown actually looks to be Not The Most Incompetent Guy In The Room in those transcripts. WTF? How could you tell the President everything that was going to happen in NOLA before the storm hit and have him do nothing?
If we ever sprogged, we might as well just name the poor thing Gimli right from the outset.
Short and squat is actually an excellent baseball physique. See: Yogi Berra, Tony Gwynn, Hack Wilson...
Short and squat is actually an excellent baseball physique.
Dude, my unlikely-to-ever-exist sprog is already promised to the sabre gods. Don't go tempting hir with yer talk of big-money sports!
Wrestling! Get your putative kid into wrestling!
Someone's eating slightly burnt popcorn. Why does the world/my body hate me so?
Don't go tempting hir with yer talk of big-money sports!
Shoot, if your sprogling is left-handed they're practically halfway to a million dollar contract.
Hmm.... I think I have one left-handed second cousin, and Hub has no lefty family that I know of. So wrestling it is! (especially if it gets to wear the spiffy Mexican-style mask.)
Timelies all!
I'm 5'2". That's short.(Or petite, if I want to be more elegant about it) I come from a long line of short people, as my mom says.
Rejected Choose Your Own Adventure book covers
I love Dude, You're pretty much Fucked.