How could it not include that, Jessica?
I'm not going (nor did I ever intend to go) any where near the ridiculous statement you hear from some theists that non-theists have no morals. But what you think about the world, why it is here, why you're here, what your rights and responsibilities are, what is good and what is bad, etc--that's your world view. How can that not affect your moral judgments?
My "world view" might include the belief that "It's best not to be mean to people, if possible," but that I might have come to that belief independent of any consideration whether there's a God or not....
checks world view file
Mine definitely does include both those beliefs.
Describe to me how a person's world view does not affect his moral judgments.
But supernatural belief or non-belief is only a subset of world view. In 2006 the thought that slavery is immoral is pretty much universal in the U.S.. In 1806 it wouldn't be hard to find theists and atheists who would believe that slavery is morally okay.
Edit: Again I am too slow to post.
Mostly, operationally, my lack of a belief in the divine is irrelevant to my daily life. I take a shower whether or not gods like how I smell, you know?
I think that you are leaping out of the Abyss.
Shrift, the Flying Squirrel of Escapedom!
But you said, "Everyone in the world bases moral judgments on beliefs about the supernatural" - belief (or not) in the supernatural is a subset of one's world view.
Thinking it's sad when languages die is part of my world view. Doesn't affect my morals in the least.
Do your utility closets have room numbers?
Yes. Shouldn't they?
Shrift, the Flying Squirrel of Escapedom!
Are you saying I need a sidekick who looks like a very unusual chandelier?
How could it not include that, Jessica?
Very easily, actually -- I know pently of people for whom the question of God's existance is completely irrelevant.
But your original statement, and the modification of "belief in God" to mean "world view" seems not to imply that the one is contained within the other, but that they are one and the same.
Yes. Shouldn't they?
Well then, it would simplify things if you just scheduled that guy's meeting there....
Are you saying I need a sidekick who looks like a very unusual chandelier?
Dana, do you have any really interesting hats you'd like to tell us about?