That's pretty cool anyway, though, huh?
Oh, yeah. Especially since it's a sunny day, so the difference was very noticable.
But it was so difficult, going in the physics building, with all these enthusiastic geeks with the holed-papers they were going to use and the like, calling you to watch the eclipse with them, and having to bow out.
Oh, well. At least some people talked about something other than yesterday's elections results for a few minutes.
[Edit: so now I put both the universe as well as myself as its defender ON THE LIST? Now I'm confused.]
Sorry, sorry. I don't seem to have A LIST yet today. Oh, except for the fact that I don't like the duty-free cigarettes I bought as much as the Mexican ones I bought for less money per pack. Duty free? ON THE LIST.
Lactic acid or whatever's making my muscles ache are ON THE LIST. I don't want to put my muscles themselves on the list, since I will need to use them again.
My GOD, I'm sore. Just a teensy bit of overtraining.
Profanity getting fucking worse.
I have no list today. But since I have a dentist appointment later, I'm bound to have one by the end of the day.
Annoying consultants who can be three weeks late with the information they send us, but then are very bitchy about us having any delays? ON THE LIST.
I was sore yesterday after swimming. I hate it when my body kicks my ass for doing something good for it. Usually after swimming, I am a little achey but in a supercharged, excellent, revved up way. It generally makes me feel quite awesome. Yesterday, my body seemed determined to punish me. It made me sad. But I'm OK today, thank god.
I always enjoyed that slightly good ache you get from exercising. Unfortunately, I don't miss it enough to actually exercise.
I enjoy the slightly good ache you get from exercising moderately.
That's really not what I have. Triceps and lats. Oh my.
Have people seen this? Enigma 3 Walzen Chiffriermaschine Chiper Weltkrieg 1941
Genuine WW-II German Enigma code machine. Current bid "Approximately US $13,480.26"
Yeah, there's a difference between, "Ooh, yeah, I worked out yesterday," and "OMG I CANNOT MOVE THAT RIGHT NOW."
Or so I've heard.