Even worse than the garter toss itself -- when he who catches the garter has to put it on she who catches the bouquet. IOW, follow up "The groom is removing the bride's underwear," which at least has the feeble justification that they're married to each other, with "And now a man is putting underwear on a woman who may be a complete stranger."
Again, the one wedding I've been to where this was done, it was in an atmosphere of complete non-skeeve. It's a game, not a porno.
I have learned a lot of new things today. Like I also learned about "face books" in college. The college forces you to send them a picture which then gets puts into a book and passed out to the entire freshman class to show everyone the new faces on campus. We did not have this at my college. I find it quite creepy.
Oh, you mean the lookbook? Pity the people who actually just get a passport picture and send that in-- what are they thinking?
It's funny, I have HELLS NO at my wedding opinions, and also - it's their wedding, let's do what they want. Meaning, I don't care if people do group dances at weddings, or garter stuff, or make-out during the ceremony (I have opinions about them all, but I don't care that they happen) - as long as it is not MY wedding.
But do they tell you the picture is for this lookbook/face book thingy? In conversation with co-workers at lunch, they said that the college just asked them for a picture and they didn't know what it was for and then, WHAM. The face book was given to them when they got on campus. I was just weirded out by the whole thing. I swear that we did not have this thing at my school. And thank heavens for that.
On a note that has absolultely nothing to do with weddings, garters or cheese, ROBOT CHICKEN came out on DVD today.
Actually there might have been cheese or garters involved somewhere...
I went to UCLA and if they had a facebook, I was never told about it. I guess now I know what that Facebook website was named after.
That sounds about right, kat. I used my senior picture. But I still wouldn't have assumed a crappy picture would never see the light of day.
I have learned a lot of new things today. Like I also learned about "face books" in college. The college forces you to send them a picture which then gets puts into a book and passed out to the entire freshman class to show everyone the new faces on campus. We did not have this at my college. I find it quite creepy.
Fondly known at my first college as the Who's New To Screw
Woot! Robot Chicken on DVD! More exciting than King Kong, grander than Memoirs of a Geisha.
I don't know why I'm excited; Robot Chicken lives permanently on my Tivo.
Fondly known at my first college as the Who's New To Screw
How sweet! At mine, it was known as the Meat Book.