I wanted so badly to call in "tired", but with both designers out and 3 projects with the developers (which means daily problems given to me to fix) I knew it was not a good idea.
I do think I am having my lunch outside in a park today, and I am leaving right at 6 unless some disaster occurs.
Nor can I curl up in a fetal ball under my desk.
I could do that - at least for a while, as I am the only one here. But clients want me to fix stuff, and their emails will only grow more insistent over time....
I wanted so badly to call in "tired"'
This, this, a thousand times this. Gronk. How can I be expected to teach when I'm this tired? I really think they should postpone classes a few hours until I'm feeling up to it.
I came very close to not exercising this morning due to tiredness. Yesterday Leif got up at 6:00am so I lost my chance to sleep until 7:30 or so when he usually wakes up.
I think the beginning is better than Mahoney, but I'm a heretic, Jesse. Still understand the frustration though.
There is a bigger Simon geek than me, though. I heard her on the radio/internets the other day. She's saved some of his "Sun" stuff dating from 1990 and bought tons of copies of his books for her friends. But she's actually from Baltimore...had the twang and everything. Maybe that makes me the bigger geek.
t waving at everyone
Okay...trudging to my classroom now. Wish me wake-ma.
I wish I could airmail you all my energy today. It's the first day I've had any in months, so I evidently have stolen all of yours.
or something.