Bust Doctor:
How to use
Firstly, spray special healthful liguid on bust.
After put on bust doctor, plug in and trun on switch button.
You can adjust vibration power by button.
15 minutes per day is efficient to make good shaping bust.
Pretty much work-safe... the link, that is. Using Bust Doctor at your desk might not be so work-safe....
When mine came on it turned out to be an $80 sensor replacement. Also, you could just have gotten some bad gas or didn't screw your gas cap on tightly enough. (Or you need a new gas cap--I got one for ~$11.) So it might not be a huge thing.
Well, I'm ready to cry because I had my car in for that last week. And they replaced the gas cap. (And then they crashed my car.)
So the error got cleared last Friday. I didn't get gas yesterday. By all rights, I should take it back to the garage that worked on it and demand they check it again since it's been less than a week, but I don't really want to because they crashed my car.
It's probably the same error, but I'm supposed to go to Chicago this weekend, and this crap is stressing me out.
Laura is not so nice. sad me. (didn't know since I hadn't turned on a tv in 2-3 days).
I had my car in for that last week. And they replaced the gas cap. (And then they crashed my car.)
Ugh. Well, yes, they should definitely fix it for free. And detail your car. And give you a gift certificate to a local spa for a stress-buster massage. I'm sorry you have to deal with more of this.
tommy, what they hell are you searching on. stop it.
sad me
I whitefonted just for you!
Again? WTF?
I KNOW. Now I'm sitting here thinking, "Do I take my car back to these nimrods? Do I risk it? Do I rent a car?"
Maybe I should call Bill Napoli and ask him what I should do...