Allyson, I don't think you can be Head of Household if no one else lives with you. I think it's for single parents. ::not a tax expert::
billytea, I talked myself out of it in much the same way. My reasoning was, I couldn't subject anyone, not even Hitler, to eternal hellfire (Presbyterian, we were - big on the hellfire). If God is by definition more loving and forgiving than a human can ever be, then He couldn't either. Therefore the God I was being taught about who could and did send people to burn in hell for eternity was either not real or not the ultimate divinity. This got me branded an athiest in junior high school.
There's a point beyond which the number of cats starts counting as negative human dependents. F(x)=c²l, or something.
So, "large number of cats" = "income potential"?
yo, Allyson, single, according to my accountant friend who does my taxes some years. But I did my own Mondat! money BACK from Fed and MO!! Whoo! And in time for spring break.
whoot! One step closer to taxes being done.
so. complex.
It's a pain. But, yo, I just checked my bank account and I already got my MO tax refund! And I efiled Tuesday!
woohoo tax returns. I should see if mine is in.
Just listed 4 more things on freecycle.
Speaking of which, I have several partial items of pink body/face glitter that I can't use because it interferes with my meds. If anyone wants it, email me your address.
The ebay stack keeps growing, but I can't deal with listing that tonight. Time for bed.
My Federal is back! I wonder what I shall spend half of it on...
I did my brother's federal taxes on Easter Sunday last year, in the morning while the parental units went to church.
Paying your taxes is a life-affirming spring ritual, right? And doesn't involve anybody being crucified. Anyway, not till later, when my brother calls me up at work at 4:45pm on Friday, April 13 to admit that he can't translate the work I did on the federal to his state taxes.
Where does the time go?? I swear just now it was 9pm. Shoot. Warm cats and the internet are the very definition of procrastination.