A new way of consuming alcohol that offers an immediate hit with no hangover the next day has been introduced in the United Kingdom.The new method is known as AWOL, an acronym for 'Alcohol With Out Liquid', and could become a hit in the global club scene due to the euphoric 'high' created when alcohol is vaporised, mixed with oxygen and inhaled.
Boyfriend Arm Pillow a sales success
yeah, the MA Legislature is all over the banning of it, even though it's not really A Thing here yet.
Several parents complained that the video, which Waggoner got from the school library, contained references to abortion and Satan worship.
Ummm.... Talk about missing the point. That's like all the people who would rant about there being backwards satanic messages in "Hotel California." Hello? Did you listen to the song forwards?
Yes, the play contains references to Satan. HE'S THE BAD GUY.
Yes, the play contains references to Satan. HE'S THE BAD GUY.
Didn't you hear? Context is for evil heretics who will burn forever in the pits of HELL.
It certaily can't hurt to donate to the SD PP, or to PP and designate it to any efforts in SD.
In totally unrelated news, here are some zombie Stors in an endless loop of carnage. (Not actual Stors, I think, but Stor-ish.)
Most of the cast of GA was on the TVLand Awards last night - they got the Future Classic award - and Shondra is SO CUTE!!! And CHandra was singing like a crazy woman to Diana Ross (live performance) and TR Knight was just watching her and GRINNING.
So, no news on what the heck was going on last night. And no mutant lake people attacks, so I'm clueless.
Thank god one of the major systems is screwed up, or else my poor officemate would be in here having to listen to me. I may be making an early drugstore run.
Somehow, some way, I have to make it through today without killing anyone.
While being nice is bad for my health according to the Germans, I don't think prison is the answer.