Knives and swords, though, are just two points on the same edged weapon continuum.
I can argue for them separately--if the knife isn't used as a weapon and the sword is. Still, there needs to be room for the printing press. I'd happily lose the telescope for it, myself.
A letter from one of Missouri's reps on the issue of banning public health clinics from providing contraception to women unable to afford it.
And...the harness is a tool, but the wheel isn't?
A letter from one of Missouri's reps on the issue of banning public health clinics from providing contraception to women unable to afford it.
Which, in connection with the other conversation going on, takes us to one of the least useful tools of our time.
Right. It seems like they were very haphazard in classing objects. Personally, I think once you've invented the knife, you've invented the edged weapon -- it just requires some left-handed thinking with an object you've already got, rather than inventing a new object. The needle and scythe are just specialized instantiations of the sharpened edge.
I imagine they chose the harness because it symbolizes agriculture, and because harnessed plow-animals were in use before the wheel was necessarily at issue. But, that doesn't mean the wheel isn't significant.
I read that letter twice. and I couldn't follow parts of it. I know I can write a very confusing sentence, but she wrote sentences that made no sense to my very forgiving eyes.
Wow, she's not only retarded and a judgemental asshole but she can't write a sentence either.
When I was listening to the debate last week I wondered what kind of man would want to enjoy free sex and then expect her to provide for her own contraceptives? These are the kind of men who want free whores. Any man who would be so low life as that does not deserve to have any woman love him. Smart women will stay away from men who use them and abuse them.
Why is it that most of the e-mail letters I get on this topic is from men? I have concluded that the chemicals and drugs are their way to have all the goodies and not pay the price. When you encourage this behavior, you create more of it. In other words, if the state starts paying for contraceptives we will have more babies than if we just teach people to not expect free prostitution from poor people. Don't you think having to pay child support for the next 18 years is a suitable disincentive?
I learned this from teaching my own children: Natural consequences is usually the best teacher.
grammarian xpost
actually the lathe bugs me. It is cool, but I'm not really sure how it changes anything. sped things up, but change?
Today is yucky. I'm trying to figure out the logic of the system because it is patently not the logic we gave them when we told them to use this logic. And they didn't give us any documentation back. So I'm very confused.
I imagine they chose the harness because it symbolizes agriculture, and because harnessed plow-animals were in use before the wheel was necessarily at issue. But, that doesn't mean the wheel isn't significant.
Actually, the plow should be on the list, too. One can quibble about the type of harness, as well. The original harnesses worked for oxen, but nsm for horses. It wasn't until they invented the horse collar that agriculture really took off in places where you needed a horse's strength to till the fields.