I think I was closest to dying once when I merged onto some godawful highway in New Jersey - I suddenly found my lane was disappearing and there were two lanes to the left of me and three lanes to the right all going about 75 and honking at ME.
I also had a panicked moment when I jumped into a pool, drunk, in my underwear, at a kibbutz in Israel, and swallowed water and couldn't breathe, and had to marshal myself to get to the side and pant for several minutes. There were lots of people around, but nobody seemed to notice Me Drowning Here!
Sledding accident when I was 12. I ruptured my spleen and had emergency surgery. I didn't know until much later that I had a very serious injury, as the staff was so relaxed and calm with me. I was in the hospital a week and missed a month of school. I remember I got a lot of presents AND the nurses would bring you Coke if you asked for it, which I found the height of luxury.
Apparently, Whiners Become Republicans [link]
(actually, that is a gross oversimplification and an indepth 20 year study is going to be dismissed with a phrase. but the article is interesting)
We should all propose our next topic! And then have a Mr. Poll on what it will be, how long it will last, and how voyeuristic it could possibly get on the Jerry Springer -- Tyra Banks -- Ellen DeGeneris scale.
When were you the closest to dying?
I was 13, and came down with a rare form of pneumonia. (I was the eighth person in the state that year to get it.) Three days on the couch at home, thinking it was the flu. When we realized it was something worse, I was in the hospital lickety-split. Three more days there, until another doctor (covering for mine's three-day weekend) realized it had gotten really bad and shuffled me off to the children's hospital an hour away. (Note: they moved me on my birthday, which, you know, suck, but I got two birthday cakes that year!) Another two weeks recovering. I found out years later exactly how bad it was, and had they not moved me when they did... well, you know.
When were you the closest to dying?
Toss-up between rolling my car and doing a faceplant onto concrete from 7 feet up. I'm really lucky to have walked away from either of those.
I was 17, took an overdose of pills, ended up unconscious in the hospital.
Vaguely remember drinking charcoal before everything went out.
Almost drowned when I was five.
I got pulled out of some very rough surf by a very alert lifeguard once. It was the sort of thing where I was just
that I was in trouble when he swooped in out of nowhere. Kid really earned his pay for the entire summer that day, so far as I'm concerned.
I've never stared death in the face. No car accidents, no major illnesses or surgeries.
::knocks wood::
Got stuck on the wrong side of a reef in a Sunfish that I couldn't control, and the currents were sucking us in fast. One of the beach guys at the hotel rescued us by windsurfing out and giving me directions to avoid the big smashup.
Medically the infected haematoma and the appendicitis my mother didn't believe in were probably the most serious.