Exactly my thought, tommyrot. It's been pretty firmly established that he drained water condensers and shot space rodents, WE DON'T NEED 100 EPISODES OF THAT, THANK YOU.
Except for all those fantastic adventures that he no longer remembers because, like C3PO, he had his memory erased. Mark my words, that's what Lucas'll pull. That's some potent monkey crack they be smoking at the Skywalker Ranch.
Now Lucas can reassure us that the womprats always shot first. Yay.
people will watch. people will always watch.
I've got some alternative Star Wars comics where Luke died on Hoth and Lea had to go to Dagobah to train as a Jedi. I love them.
I think even her childhood would be 10 times more interesting than Luke's.
OK, here's some episode ideas:
- In between bounty-hunting jobs, Greedo moonlites as a piano teacher. His last pupil is Luke.
- Wackiness ensues when Luke accidentally ends up on a date with each of Jabba's daughters at the same time.
- Luke and Sebulba - the love that dare not speak its name.
- Jawas steal Luke's bicycle.
- While playing baseball, Luke hits the ball over the fence and into the yard of the Sand People that live next door.
A series about Han Solo would have action, adventure, capers, beautiful dames, bounty hunters and pirates and space cowboys...
Sort of like Firefly with Wookiee, come to think of it.
The problem, as far as I can tell, isn't with the numbered list function per se, it's with the style. And if I poke it the wrong way, Word punishes me by fucking up the style, and consequently renumbering or moving every single other numbered list in the document.
When you go to tools > options > edit, is Prompt to update style checked, and Keep track of formatting unchecked?
See what they should do is just hire all the Firefly people to do the Han Solo story before the first Star Wars movie. It's really the same thing, Serenity is pretty similar to the Falcon, just muck with the set a bit. The Alliance is the same thing as the Empire. Reavers are just Ewoks gone bad. You can keep some of the cast and just explain Adam Baldwin playing Chewy as the young Chewy who was shorter and less hairy. Easy.
Edit: Cross post with Shrift.
Sort of like Firefly with Wookiee, come to think of it.
Jayne wasn't Wookiee enough for you?
Automate your grocery list. Now, if this could interface with Peapod et al, life would be a dream.