Chef didn't quit South Park?
Sure, but look at the source. Its second hand "my good friend Isaac said" information from Fox as opposed to a press release by Hayes himself on the wire services.
Except that I've now heard from a number of different news sources that Isaac didn't write the press release about quitting. I heard a rumor on the radio that it's because he's ill or had a stroke earlier this year, and some Scientology handler wrote the release at a time when Isaac wasn't in much of a position to say no.
I'm not sure that any of the "is sick/had a stroke" talk is true, but I've heard from multiple sources that Isaac did not write the original press release, so I'm now inclined to believe that part.
Word absolutely refuses to start a numbered list with the number 1. It seems to be convinced that it has a manifest destiny to continue the previous numbered list, and by GOD, this list is going to start with the number 6.
When you go to the Bullets and Numbering menu item on the Format Menu, it should pull up a control window, and when you look at the Numbering tab, there should be some radio buttons that determine whether the numbered list starts fresh, or continues the last numbered list.
If you've already done all that, then your Word is possessed.
If you've already done all that, then your Word is possessed.
Try doing a "Save As" and then trying numering again. When you do a "Save As" you'll restructure the file into a simpler state and you might have fewer problems.
oooh. I have a Word question. Is there a way that I can break my manuscript up into individual docs (I can do this manually, of course) and then have word set them into chapters? Does this make sense?
Word looks at the customization, laughs, and starts it with 6.
See, now, this is why I never use automatic numbering. I'd rather just type the damn numbers and proof them to make sure I got them right. So much easier!
Except that I've now heard from a number of different news sources that Isaac didn't write the press release about quitting. I heard a rumor on the radio that it's because he's ill or had a stroke earlier this year, and some Scientology handler wrote the release at a time when Isaac wasn't in much of a position to say no.
I'm not sure that any of the "is sick/had a stroke" talk is true, but I've heard from multiple sources that Isaac did not write the original press release, so I'm now inclined to believe that part.
Of course, otoh, this latest could be Scientology smearing South Park for firing a sick man.
Not that they would ever do such a thing of course. Scientology is a fine religion and may well be the one Truth. They exert pressure on no one, except to protect their copyrights. All of their members are free to do as they will. Scientology is a fine religion and may well be the one Truth. They exert pressure on no one, except to protect their copyrights. All of their members are free to do as they will. Scientology is a fine religion ...
Looks like there will be a Star Wars TV series.
I have to admit to low expectations.
Scientology is a fine religion.
Of course, I can't attest to the authenticity of the above.
Scientology is a fine religion.
Now I'm tempted to fill out that form for my cat....
there should be some radio buttons that determine whether the numbered list starts fresh, or continues the last numbered list.
Yeah, those are grayed out, and nothing I do makes them reappear.
Try doing a "Save As" and then trying numering again.
Damn. Still no luck.
See, now, this is why I never use automatic numbering. I'd rather just type the damn numbers and proof them to make sure I got them right.
Unfortunately, I inherited documents with a bunch, nay, a ton, of customized styles.
Is there a way that I can break my manuscript up into individual docs (I can do this manually, of course) and then have word set them into chapters? Does this make sense?
It sounds like you're talking about the Word master document function, which is notoriously insane, I'm afraid to say.
Yep. Word looks at the customization, laughs, and starts it with 6.
Have you tried removing the formatting from the previous list, putting a few hard returns between the lists, then reapplying the numbered list function to each?