Y'all excuse me. I have to go use my voting rights to force all men to wear eye-liner and leather, funded by a repressive hike in property taxes. And maybe something involving gay pr0n on PBS, depending on whether I can work it in around my pilates class.
Ooh, yes, let's do this! What the hell have we been waiting for anyway? Except I'm not down with that exercise shit.
I have to go use my voting rights to force all men to wear eye-liner and leather, funded by a repressive hike in property taxes. And maybe something involving gay pr0n on PBS, depending on whether I can work it in around my pilates class.
Other than the tax hike, this doesn't sound so bad...
Ummm, yeah. That's why all of Europe and Canada are flaming hellholes of totalitarianism, 'cause of all them wimmins voting. If they'd only withdraw that incredibly destructive civil right, they'd become models of peaceable, law-abiding and fiscally responsible representative democracy, just like so many of our Islamist oil buddies.
Everything on my desk right now is, like, brain-bendingly complicated. Or the result of people being brain-bendingly stupid.
The baby Jesus and I will be over in the corner throwing a temper tantrum.
Man, talk about crazy troll logic. Because women in Japan have the vote, too--so how come Japanese men aren't incarcerated at higher rates?
Wow, that's... wow. But there are an endless number of nutjobs in this country. Including the people who live their lives as though they're characters in a "Gor" novel.
I'm not going to worry about losing my vote, though. That ship has left the harbor.
The best part is, you know who had the female vote before the US did? Wyoming!
It's always the cowboys to blame.
If I work it hard enough, I can make it Dick Cheney's own personal fault for suffrage!
...i don't know what the republicans are talking about. The Blame Game is an awesome game, and we should all play it daily.
the phrase "nature rafting" hyphenated or no?
Unhyphenated unless you're using it as an adjective.
"They savor their experience of nature rafting the XXX river."
The baby Jesus and I will be over in the corner throwing a temper tantrum.
While you're there, can you create a document template for me? I'm very tired of creating styles. It bores me. Also, my diamond shoes are too tight and my TV reception isn't crystal clear.