We know that Wilson's Jewish because it came up in last season's Christmas episode.
I don't know that I'd call this "stealthy" though -- I wouldn't know any of my co-workers' religions if it weren't for holidays (and only then if they make a point of taking time off for Good Friday, or Yom Kippur, etc).
Wow... Rachel was supposed to be a JAP? Totally missed that. Just thought she was spoiled.
What great potential for sequals, "Wolves on a Plane", "Sea Loins on a Plane", "Frogs on a Plane", and of course, "Monkeys on a Plane"
And of course, next weekend's SciFi Channel Saturday Night movie:
Genetically Engineered Super-Ferrets on a Plane!
Willow! Yes -- that's true. How could we forget?
Not in the case of Rachel "let's make a JAP and never say she's Jewish and then we're totally off the ugly sterotype hook. score!" Green.
Wasn't there an episode where she wouldn't eat lobster, because she was observant?
Wow... Rachel was supposed to be a JAP? Totally missed that. Just thought she was spoiled.
They hit a lot of the classic tropes. Long Island. Nose job. Dr. Daddy. The shopaholic stuff. Life-goal to marry a Dr. That sort of thing.
"Sea Loins on a Plane"
That sounds wet. And potentially painful.
Wasn't there an episode where she wouldn't eat lobster, because she was observant?
The only lobster I recall was the one where her dad was being a shitty tipper and Ross objected. Arguably another stereotype, actually.
Willow! Yes -- that's true. How could we forget?
Willow gets into the whole realm of how being Jewish is treated/seen/presented as an ethnic identification.
Snakes on a bus! Die Hard on a snake!