OK, that's bordering on Darwin awards, and might have qualified if the TV hadn't blown up: "Hmmm, smells like gas. Better not light that cigarette. Meanwhile I'm going to sit down and relax and watch TV. Wonder why I'm so sleeeeepyyyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!" *clunk!*
This had me laughing and laughing.
Allyson, J got accepted to USC med school.
OK, if you are sitting in a room with 6 middle aged white guys, one black guy, one other woman and you get asked to answer the question " is there diversity at XXX?", it is a perfectly reasonable response to burst out laughing, right?
In class tonight, I got to tell my story about the board of directors where they went for diversity by looking for middle-aged white guys who DIDN'T work in finance.
Allyson, J got accepted to USC med school.
So they're staying?!?!
Or are they waiting for more acceptance letters to make a decision?
I vote USC. Of course.
In California, at the very least.
I vote USF though, and I think they still do to.
lost a big post and then had connectivity issues.
main point. I was fiscally responsible today - filed for reimbursements, ate in, blah blah.
big bonus was I found out that my tax return will be pretty large, so YAY!.
now to bed.
I should go to bed soon, as I have to wake up like a grown-up tomorrow, but there's no way that's going to happen. Remember the soda I had yesterday evening? That plus a good book to finish meant I stayed up Way Too Late last night.
For all your Peep research needs. Peeps exposed to cold! To heat! To various solvents!
24: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
I know!!!! Right after
they killed Edgar -- they had to go and kill Soulpatch