Theo, in the article, the man decided not to light a cigarette after smelling gas (and he said that he had called in several gas complaints to management), but didn't think turning the tv would set off an explosion.
He also didn't think that winding up his "Sparky McSparkenson Spark-shooting Robot" would set off an explosion.
OK, that's mean. But hopefully funny.
Theo, in the article, the man decided not to light a cigarette after smelling gas (and he said that he had called in several gas complaints to management), but didn't think turning the tv would set off an explosion.
OK, that's bordering on Darwin awards, and might have qualified if the TV hadn't blown up: "Hmmm, smells like gas. Better not light that cigarette. Meanwhile I'm going to sit down and relax and watch TV. Wonder why I'm so sleeeeepyyyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!"
Dearie me:
Several critics debated whether to reveal the surprise ending at all in their reviews, but Molly Willow commented in the Columbus Dispatch: "If you taped the season premiere of The Sopranos last night after 21 months off, you aren't a real fan and deserve to have the surprise ruined."
I can see defending your right to discuss what happened in a show because it's
your job,
but saying there are people who
to be spoiled is a bit pissy.
If you taped the season premiere of The Sopranos last night after 21 months off, you aren't a real fan
For values of "real fan" which equal "subscribe to HBO and never have other plans on Sunday night." Bitchy much?
More Overheard in the Office:
Boss: By the way, I changed a lot of your code, so if it breaks, that's why.
it was very good, though.Be weird if, after having set the stage for a dramatic whacking, Tony actually died of something that weird and...considering it's them, random, so early in the season
I hope not, though, because I love him and because that's a lot of...aftermath.
Be like something Chase might do, though. All the HBO Daves are a bit like that, ime.
What she actually says in the first paragraph of her article is, "Holy stromboli, look what happened to Tony Soprano! (If you taped it, skip ahead. Then again, if you taped the season premiere of The Sopranos last night after 21 months off, you aren’t a real fan and deserve to have the surprise ruined.)"
It's clearly a joke.
OK, if you are sitting in a room with 6 middle aged white guys, one black guy, one other woman and you get asked to answer the question " is there diversity at XXX?", it is a perfectly reasonable response to burst out laughing, right?
This is the day that never ends.