5th season is sucky, but still has its moments.
True. I think my problem is that I got hooked on the show through the syndicated daily reruns on Bravo, so I got to watch the entire season through S6 in one fell swoop, and seeing S5 eps so soon after S2 and S3 just emphasized how weak they were in comparison.
Oh, just the teaser for WW made me giggle and squee.
There's already post ep fic for tonight's WW--damn, they're fast!
I just spent a full two minutes on the phone with a wrong number. You know that's not right.
BUT! I just need to get some brief intro and conclusion action going, and I'm done! For the night, anyway -- I'll need to do another read through tomorrow.
It's hard to type with two fingers taped. But I might be getting the hang of it.
Is that Teddy Dunn on GA?
Good work, ex-procrastinators.
I fought black belts! Well, proto-black belts. I got to fight them during their black belt test. Pretty freaking cool.
Might as well have--I could feel a migraine coming on. It was a nice weekend while it lasted, though.
I have a sore throat. I think that might be what's bringing the headache on. I've been ODing on zinc since it was a pinprick, but now it's a whole throat thing. Pfah.
It's possible you're a bad person. But you're in control of that.
Google Mars is very cool. Thanks for the link, tommyrot.