I'm trying one of the pizza places that Burrell mentioned last thread. The first place I tried let me get through a fair amount of conversation before telling me they weren't delivering right now. But they would be delivering tomorrow.
Uh, not helpful, guys.
But Julie's should be delivering me a medium chicken/fresh tomato/mushroom pizza in about twenty minutes.
Oh! the Film Your Issue site looks to be under construction, but Betsy found this image which makes me wonder if George Clooney actually exists.
eta: They totally went live in the past few hours.
Poor amnesiac Colin Ferguson.
t /Tales of the City watch-n-post
Huh. It snowed in San Francisco.
This might make baseball practice tomorrow difficult.
We didn't have snow. Hail, but no snow.
It was positively gorgeous here tonight.
It's friggin' cold here tonight in LA, and I'm half expecting snow on the ground when I wake up in the morning. Except that I plan on sleeping until next year, so it will probably have melted off long before I get up.
some how all the snow and hail - i've missed.
beautiful here. I think the coasts switched weather
Already nice, supposed to be gorgeous later. In fact, most of the next week is going to be above freezing. Nutty's seeds may not freeze their asters off after all!