Bleah. The humans are discouraging me today.
This morning Nina Totenberg did a report on NPR about a speech Sandra Day O'Connor just gave ripping into (not naming, but quoting verbatim) various Republicans in Congress and the Bush administration for their attacks against the independence of the judiciary and using the word "dictatorship."
I personally don't have any love for O'Connor whatsoever; she has a vile, vile record on the death penalty cases that have come before the SCOTUS, she was part of the 5-4 decision that gave us Bush in 2000, and even her most important vote preserving Roe was apparently the result of a fit of pique against Rehnquist.
But... she's someone who nobody on the right can possibly call a left-wing attack dog. She can't possibly be painted as part of some vast left-wing conspiracy (unless her former supporters want to deny her decades-long judicial record and pretend that she never existed until she made this speech). It's hugely fucking late, and she's done a lot of damage that can't be undone -- but, damn, it just seems huge that she's saying any of this at all. She'd been moving more to the center over her last 4-5 years on the SC, she consistently voted against the Bush administration on post-9/11 cases about lengthy detentions and defendants' access to records and lawyers, and in all likelihood there are restrictions on what justices are allowed to speak out on politically while they're still on the bench. IMO, she can rightly be slammed for her record, but she does deserve props for saying anything, ever. She could so easily have retired, gone home, and shut up, and she didn't.
And the diary on DailyKos discussing this speech of hers has several hundred comments already, and something like half of them are just bilious nasty railing against her for singlehandedly causing every bad thing on the planet since November 2000, hoping she fries in hell, saying that her husband having Alzheimer's is exactly what she deserves. I'm already feeling all beseiged and revolted by so many of my religious cohort; it's incredibly discouraging to see folks on the left being just as vile.