A moat, sharks, deathbeam lasers on sharks' backs...Bond villains have the right idea
The book "Elect Mr. Robinson for a more perfect world" or something close to that title, has people building moats and trenches around their homes and waging war against neighbors. It is a disturbing book.
ION, I am hungry and cannot decide on lunch. Nothing sounds good. not thai, not Italian, not salad, not burgers, not chinese, ....
Definitely West Wing--season 2, "The Portland Trip."
And when did I turn in to a WW geek?
I adore you. Come sit over here.
I am going to join the Shark/Laser Lab and change it from within....
tommy, thanks for exactly getting what I was saying. If you join and I join, then we all get sharks and laser beams!!!
Watch the laser beam and shark.
Lately the Dems are just trying to join
and change it from within.
puts on anti-shark armor and goggles
Lately the Dems are just trying to join America and change it from within.
Well good Lord. It's taken us 6 years to wake up from Al Gore's goddamn DNC speech!