Pretty much par for the course for Drudge.
And you know all those Cassini scientists are cursing his very existance. And that of the Florida station. Because instead of the reaction to their news being
oh cool!
it's going to be
and that's it?
Which is just sad.
Well, I'm all "oh, cool." Even though lori found water on Mars, I still think it's a big deal. Plumes! Temps over freezing!
Shake Ya Ass
Show me what ya working for
Shake Ya Ass
Thank you for your attention.
Show me what ya working for
Is that some sort of hip hop Jack Bauer?
MILLIONS OF LIVES ARE AT STAKE. I don't have time to explain. You're just going to have to trust me and give me the answer.
So, a good friend just won a fellowship at the "Museum of Jurassic Technology."
Isn't that like, Fred Flintstone's car or something? I'm baffled.
I don't watch 24, I can't supply you with witty dialogue.
so, um...
There is no witty dialogue. I think this is the part where I get out the implements of pain.
There is no witty dialogue. I think this is the part where I get out the implements of pain.
A little torture never hurt anyone.
Also, Jack tells fibs.