14 homes (15 if you count the two separate dorm rooms in the same dorm)
8 cities
2 states
2 countries
The places I miss the most are my apartment in Berkeley (hardwood floors! Huge high ceilings! Slacker landlords who let me paint and renovate any way I wanted!) and the flat in San Francisco with my best friend Lisa (working fireplace! Big closets! Built-in bookshelves with glass doors! Lots of deep wood paneling and dorky burnt-orange shag carpeting in the living room that made it feel like a cozy ski lodge parlour when we had a fire going!).
Smallest town I lived in was a village in the Netherlands, called Well.
Heh -- the smallest city I've ever lived in is ~75,000 people.
10 addresses, 6 towns, 5 states, 2 coasts, 1 country
I've been skimming, and it made me wonder: from all the places that you've lived in, when you say the word "Home", what's the one that's in your mind's eyes? The one you're currently living in? The one you used to live in sometimes during childhood? The place you never lived in but wanted to, for some reason?
The closest town to my parents' farm is Clintonville, pop. around 4,700. Next closest is Embarrass, pop around 300. Their closest neighbor is about three or four-tenths of a mile away.
3 Provinces, 3 cities (though one is a "city" in name only) and 1 town.
Hi Nilly!
from all the places that you've lived in, when you say the word "Home", what's the one that's in your mind's eyes?
I love this question. For me, it's in flux right now. Fairbanks does pop up, but not often. SF is fast becoming the one that I visualize. Minneapolis never really stuck in my mind's eye - I always felt like a wanderer there.
from all the places that you've lived in, when you say the word "Home"
kind of everywhere I've lived...but the place in my dreams that is most often "home" although I never lived there is the house my grandparents lived in for 50+ years. My grandmother sold it a few years before she died to move into assisted living and it was torn down completely and grass planted where it stood a couple of years ago. But it stands in my dreams as home to me still.
Now, I consider the city I live in now to be a city and not a suburb, because it didn't spring into being to house Big City overflow, but has a rich municiipal history all its own. But that might just be me.