Jennifer Garner was so cute, especially while tripping. I missed it the first time around so I'm glad I finally got to see her here.
I've lived in 16 places. It seems like more, but I guess it's about average. Weird, because I feel like I move all the time. I geuss that's an average of moving every two years, even though I spent 17 years in two places.
Since 1973: 4 states, one foreign country, 12 different addresses among the five locations.
So apparently, I enjoy a change of scenery, but once I get where I'm going, I settle in pretty much one spot and don't move until it's time to go to the next state and/or country.
This game is fun!
Ooh, I lie, 9 cities and one unincorporated sub-parish zone (which could count as a suburb).
16 addresses (counting college as one address), 12 cities and 7 states. I've owned this house for 16 years, which is pretty scary. My dad worked for a big company that transferred people all the time. We once moved five times in two years.
I have never lived in a suburb. In places where there were suburbs I've always lived in the big city at the center.
I've lived in four cities in three states + one colony (good call, brenda).
Lived in a teeny, tiny small town in College. You could not even call it a suburb. Otherwise I've always lived in cities.
One state, two cities, and a suburb.
Hon. Mention to one province and one city within the province.
Yeah, that teensy town is sort of an outlier for me. And in fact I even lived on the outskirts there, in what an earlier age would have called a commune.
Other than that, all big cities.
I have lived in that many houses in the single most boring metropolitan area ever.
Pelecanos would be proud at all the fierce represents from all the Drama City people on here.(I agree...the area needs its props.)