Loving the blue walls, Mr. Scola. They're perfect. Crisp, yet comforting.
With a small Canada break in '75, which was more an extended visit when Dad had to move back up for work reasons, I lived in the same place from 0-18.
Heck, my parents are still there. They've been randomly talking about moving for the last ten years, but I'm thinking they'll never get 'round to it.
My sister, however, had lived in nine places by the time she was 7.
They were more mobile when she was young.
an abundance for one person, but little enough that sharing is right out.
That's exactly the right amount. You're very wise.
Colbert's been (and will be) new all week.
I lived in the same place until I was 15. After that I moved every 2-3 years (including college dorms) until 1999. I just realized I've been in the same wee apartment for 7 years now.
And I still don't have a couch.
I've gotta do something about that. Maybe I catch something after the big High Point furniture show--there are often good sales then.
I'm on address #21, counting college dorms as one and not recounting when I've, say, moved back in with my parents. 8 in the last 10 years.
I'm so glad Tivo figured out that TDS was new last night, b/c I thought it was not gonna be.
Loving the Scola blue.
I've moved every 14 months or so for the past 10 years. Whee!
On the other hand, my mother has lived in the same house for 30 years. I find that a little scary.
I've not lived nearly as many places as other people. My folks still live in the same house I grew up in. I lived in the same dorm for two years in college, then rented the same house for another two years. DH and I lived in two different apartments before buying the house we live in now.
Less than five different places (four towns, two states). Me=boring.
Counting dorms, I've lived in 10 homes across 3 cities.
I've been a bit skippity-skimmity, but here's the video clip of Jennifer Garner's incredibly adorable inadvertent stunt. It's making me laugh every single time.
Seriously, could she be any cuter? Possibly with pink.
Ooh, my 17 homes have been spread across 10 towns and 3 countries. 4 if the constitutional oddities of the United Kingdom lead you to count Scotland as a "country" rather than a "nation".
Only one US state, though.