No, the 2 of them decided they wanted to do something else, and start their own firm. The meeting started with a boring overview of our division's finances (which are in very good shape).
But I just spent 10 minutes comforting a weeping coworker, because she's feeling abandoned. And I can't really blame her.
Man, that really sucks. I don't suppose they'll be hiring any of the rest of you?
No. They don't have any clients, and recently the company has sued groups that left en masse and took clients with them. So, NSM with the taking us all.
I honor their integrity, but shit, it's going to be hard to replace them.
Damn, your meeting was much more "exciting" than anyone could have expected.
I wish that I had brownies.
Well, good luck.
In other news, Gordon Parks died. [link] What a life, man.
Oh, Consuela. Hope it goes smoothly.
Yikes Consuela.
that keeps things in perspective.
OK, my power just went seriously OUT. Someone will have to recap House for me.
Whee. Usually it comes back on in second. NSM.
Well, I guess I get to figure out how long the battery last on the laptop.
Now, did I put the flashlight back in the closet or.....
Hrm. Sirens all over the place.
sara, I think duck and cover is good advice right now, also stay away from windows and the glass doors. lock everything you can, and possibly fill the bathtub with water.
or you know, don't.
It's really really quiet now.....