A children's book "about two male penguins who raise a baby penguin" has been removed from the kid's section of two public libraries after complaints it had "homosexual undertones." The book is "based on a true story of two male penguins, named Roy and Silo, who adopted an abandoned egg ...
I don't think
means what they think it does. That subtext is not so much sub as text.
I will make note of the cartoon for the ever-delayed FAQ.
That's a *great* daily webcomic site, by the way. Someone linked to it on LJ last week, and I spent hours reading it from the beginning. It's serialized, and I ended up being, like, totally emotionally invested in all the characters and their 20-something trials and tribulations. Plus, the dialog is quite witty, and often strikes me as very Buffista-esque.
I ... I put a box on my head just the other day.
What makes it even more ridiculous is I did it because I was cleaning up and abruptly needed both hands, so I freed one up by putting the box on my head, thinking all the while
boy, the neighbors probably think I'm a loon.
I don't know where I'm going to be in 5 months, let alone 5 years.
I was going to say, shrift -- I'm pretty sure I know where you'll be in five months!
Yes, but in terms of job and life? Not so sure. Except that I'm going to VividCon and Dragon*Con around then, which, okay, 5 months from now will be pretty good.
Fuck jobs and life. Viva los cons.
And on that note, maybe I'll get Thai for lunch.
5 months from now will be a pretty good month, knock wood.
Oh, that. Eh. Minor details.