It rained on me today, and that just doesn't seem right
See? It's the "no rain" winter lulling us into a false sense of dryness - I mean, if it's gonna rain, it needs to rain and get it over with and get the heck out. None of this, rain on Monday, then again on Friday stuff. Stupid rain.
I surprised myself and got stuff in the mail to you today, so you should have it tomorrow or Wednesday.
Suh-weet. You are very nice. Perhaps not the nicest, but don't sweat it. Someone at krav was trash-talking the mango/habanero yesterday, but I don't care. I'm psyched.
And I'm eating strange Indian candy. I predict my head will explode.
I hope you like them.
Did you notice that the Oh chocolate site is working now?
raise your hand if msbelle just scared you a little.
msbelle, Madame le Nice One, you should be getting snail mail from me very soon, if it hasn't arrived already.