I didn't have bugs for lunch. Unless my pot roast was cut off of a bug from Starship Troopers. If so, alien bug = yum.
I'm also a bit tired. I joined a fun, snarky group last night for Oscar watching and stayed up way too late.
Sorry about the sinuses, sarameg.
Also, why has baseball not started yet?
I just listened to the Dodgers and Nats on Gameday audio.
I didn't have bugs for lunch.
I had a burrito.
So it's more like you hope you didn't have bugs for lunch, then.
Dear data DVD,
Dude, stop unmounting my volumes!
WBC is, um, playing around here somewhere. The Crimson Hose played Australia in an exhibition game last night (and smacked them around).
Turns out that, for my team, you'll have a lot more luck hearing them on radio than seeing them on TV, despite their owning their own cable channel. It makes me eager to run my errands, I tell you.
And now I have someone trolling me. Joy. I hate being a sick pansy.
So the theme form the Oscars I noticed was big hair. Lots and lots of big hair. Also, Morgan Freeman is stylin'.
no bugs for lunch.
I made lasagna for friends. One of which , fell off a ladder. (broken arm but too high to cast - so imobilization it is ,plus cracked pelvis. People Ladders are dangerous). for me - used left over sauce, ground beef, and cheese and mixed them with spagetti squash. It was pretty yum,but I should have drained the squash first.
I had lunch with Nutty! So my day is a winner, even despite headaches and all.
And now I have someone trolling me on livejournal.
I'm restraining myself, but let me know if you'd like me to charge in and say "WTF? Seriously, WTF?"
It's such a "WTF? Why are you so STUPID?" day. I suspect that it would not go over well if I pointed out to my client that everyone's life, including mine, would be so much easier if they moved to a Windows-based app.