Let's hope he doesn't make a bad swing and rip a big divot out of the hull of the International Space Station.
If the space station's fragile enough that a golfer's drive can damage it, I don't have too much hope for it being able to withstand collisions from all the assorted debris other spaceflights have left in orbit. Did Acme get the contract to build it?
All this talk about donuts reminds me that today is Paczki Day, and I didn't get any. I've been wanting to try the rose-jelly version from a Polish bakery near Milwaukee Avenue; guess I'll have to go there another day (at least they carry them year-round).
That sounds wondeful, Kathy. I love discovering ethnic holiday pastries.
I just found a forum where Dave Kelly says the new ones wif a more cockney accent are not him He seems to imply that it is an American doing them, but does give any specifics. There are lots of guesses and no one seems to know who it is.
World Health Organization:
Clarification of erroneous news reports indicating WHO genetic research on hair colour
1 October 2002 -- In response to recent media reports citing an alleged World Health Organization (WHO) study predicting the extinction of the naturally blonde hair gene, WHO wishes to clarify that it has never conducted research on this subject. Nor, to the best of its knowledge, has WHO issued a report predicting that ‘natural blondes are likely to be extinct by 2202’. WHO has no knowledge of how these news reports originated but would like to stress that we have no opinion on the future existence of blondes.
we have no opinion on the future existence of blondes
That's a safe stance to take.
Yesterday in class someone asked "What's the blonde's name again?" Kravver next to them "ita???"
"No! The real blonde!"
See, I wasn't going to be extinct by 2202 anyway. Dead, maybe, but that's not the same thing.
Tickles me to no end when someone describes me as a blonde (as opposed to blonde). Not precisely sure why.
My shoulders hurt like whoa. I'm worried this means I'll have to punch lightly until Friday. Don't want to.
Paczki Day
The one day a year I miss living near Detroit.
Do we know about Holla Back NYC?
Women post photos of men who harrass them. Not just NYC.
I have no Paczki.
Kathy, let me know next time you go!
I'm trying to listen to a Jack Klugman interview on an NPR podcast, but his voice is so wrecked from throat cancer surgery it's hard to concentrate on it. He did compare The Odd Couple to
Brokeback Mountain.
I'm just not sure how.