Ugh. Feeling very bite me.
Doctor wouldn't rule out chicken pox, which means effectively diagnosing chicken pox even though her symptoms didn't correspond to his description of it. So now I'm left worried that it might actually BE chicken pox, and if so, my son is about to get it. Plus he still has an ear infection.
I realize this is all small potatoes in the world of childhood illnesses, but I'm still unhappy about it.
I hope the kidlet gets better soon, whatever it is she has, Burrell.
I'm in Seattle. Yay.
Thanks, Perkins. Mmm. I'd like to be in Seattle. Especially if I left my grading here in LA.
Seattle is
better than grading.
So is sleep, which I am going to do now. 'Night.
good night. I'll be following soon.
Hello Natterbugs!
Weekdays have been so insane I just skipped this entire thread. But Yay, the guys are all leaving to watch HS basketball finals about 4 hours away and won't return until after I am asleep.
Now is the time to watch SciFi and chill a bit. Then work of course, but down time first. Again I say Yay!
If all goes well I may even get a moment to scroll back a bit and see what's up around this place.
I promised to make cupcakes (cowfree, natch) and yet I have no eggs, so I'd better get on it....
Mapquest says it's 7 hours 2 minutes for us to drive to mr. flea's sister's in Ohio for Easter. Google maps says 8 hours 45 minutes. Same route. Does that seem right?
Flying is $700 for us all, and that's not even nonstop. So we're doing the math olf how much I get paid a day + hassle of driving vs. $700. Ugh. No wonder we never go anywhere.
I vote flying. DH always prefers to drive because he likes the family road trip thing. Either way has its own set of hassles. But go anyway, have fun, and take pictures.
I made Cafe Godiva coffee thanks to a bag of grounds a friend gave me for my birthday. That and the cold leftover pizza made for a lovely breakfast.
I have a headache, but it's small, and in the front of my head. So I ain't complaining. Merely noting.
Burrell, sorry to hear about the not not pox. If it is the pox, have you and the husband already had it? I just read a bit where Jason Lee had it, thought he was going to shuffle off the mortal coil, gave it to his son who romped and played merrily through the whole infection.
So if the two of you are safe...well, it's something that should happen eventually, right?
I hope it's just bug bites, but if not, I hope it's quick and pretty painless.
Can't decide if I should do pancakes this morning. I do have to be out the door at 9 for chiro. Hmm.