And if the increase hits a certain percentage higher than that normal payment, Homeland Security has to be notified. And the money doesn't move until the threat alert is lifted.
That is INSANE! Fucking INSANE! What if it causes someone to be late with a payment? (they submit it on time but HS does't approve it till after the payment due date)
JESUS. I hate all the motherfuckers. They are all up in my fucking business! UGH!
You can still order a "short" at Starbucks -- they just don't put them on the menu.
according to this if you make a much larger credit card payment than usual, the Department of Homeland Security must be notified
I would like that to be false, because it is stupid.
If I were a terrorist, I'd totally let the CC balance rack up. Fight the power, down with everyone.
In Bean-related news, I just noticed that the loose tea from Coffee Bean has
pieces of tea leaves compared to Republic of Tea and all the other loose teas (bar jasmine pearl) I can remember using. I'm assuming this is better for the brewing, right? I've only tried the one brand from them (English Breakfast) and it is nice and tasty. Poorly controlled experiment, though.
You haven't been corrected when you do that? I always get corrected.
I smile and forget. They can make up their own language if they want. But the only way to force me to use it would be to not fill the order. And, really, I'd just find a Coffee Bean instead.
My BK has people in it that totally know my order, but they wait to make sure each time. They also say hello and sometimes ask how I am, but no names. Same at my Baskin Robbins.
oh, ita, thanks for the Project help. I had a thought about something to try last night. I might work on that today.
And, really, I'd just find a Coffee Bean instead.
I like CB's mochas, and some of their pastry case stuff, much better, but I prefer the Tazo Earl Grey. Actually, I prefer the Stash Earl Grey, which is why I drink at home most of the time, but when ordering a tea from a coffee place, I go to Starbucks.
Some more cheerful news: GOP growing increasingly angry, frightened by Bush's missteps
WASHINGTON - President Bush, once the seemingly invincible vanguard of a new Republican majority, could be endangering his party's hold on power as the GOP heads into this year's midterm congressional elections.
A series of political missteps has raised questions about the Bush administration's candor, competence and credibility and left the White House off-balance, off-message and unable to command either the nation's policy agenda or its politics the way the president did during his first term.
When conservatives challenged the ports deal, for example, Bush threatened to veto any legislation blocking it, then all but accused his critics of racism for opposing an Arab company.
"I've been helpful out here on the campaign trail, backing the president on eavesdropping, defending them on Iraq and Social Security, and then you have this thrown on your lap without any consideration," said Rep. Mark Foley, R-Fla. "Then the threat of a veto, that really took my breath away."
"I didn't think his choice of words there was really good," said Sen. Trent Lott, R-Miss. "And I thought his veto threat was untimely and inappropriate."
"It certainly is the perfect storm of aggravating or provoking congressional egos and the president getting his back up and saying the least diplomatic thing he could have said," said Michael Franc, a former Republican aide in Congress who's now a scholar at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative research center in Washington.
I still haven't watched the Bush briefing video... my blood pressure is already high enough, really, and I'm already willing to believe that Brown was forced to take the fall for all his upper management.
The port deal is almost comical. Especially the veto threat and then finding out that Bush didn't even know about the deal until it was in the news.
I hate the right wingers who are pulling out the racism card. I mean seriously if this was a Democratic administration allowing a government that has had known ties to Al-Qaeda to take over operations of ports, would they be okay with the deal?
Isn't one of Bush's cronies a major investor in that particular Dubai company? I don't know if I read that somewhere or if I just assume it to be the case.
I do just use small, medium, and large. Can't be arsed to remember their words for it, and I have no patience to try
This is so me. I've never been corrected and I always get the right order. But I rarely go to a starbucks.
I have my neighborhood places where they know me and are friendly (coffee shop, bars, restaurants) but nowhere they anticipate my order. I don't think. Even though, for example, at the coffee shop I only ever get coffee with room for cream in the mornings.