My mother says that Eeyore and John Munch are the same character.
That... Perfect.
But now I'm trying to shoe horn the rest of the Homicide LOTS-unit into the characters of Winnie-the-Pooh. It's going so-so. I can't find a character for Howard, and damnit, it's not a proper Homicide unit without Kay Howard.
My mom can stop worrying about not finishing college now, huh? In some fields, that could be her dissertation.
Now I'm picturing Kay as Kanga, but kind of angry about it. "That's just great, you guys. I'm the woman, so you stuck me with the kid. Thanks so very much."
Now I'm picturing Kay as Kanga, but kind of angry about it. "That's just great, you guys. I'm the woman, so you stuck me with the kid. Thanks so very much."
We're sharing a brain, erika, and I'm awfully sorry for the mess in mine, by the way. Seriously though, I had the same thought when I read Nicklas' post.
Me, three, re: Kay. I think she has a bit of Eeyore in her too. The first thought that popped into my head, for some reason, was Christopher Robin. Please keep in mind that I have only seen 1 or 2 seasons of Homicide.
She does try to protect everyone.
Poor Timmy has to be Piglet.
God, this is reminding me of that part in "Fortress of Solitude" where the geek boys claim that you could take any group in history and assess it through "Beatle dynamics". I thought they were hopeless, but this is worse.
Now I'm picturing Kay as Kanga, but kind of angry about it.
That works. I've just recenly seen the last two seasons so I was sort of seeing Falsone as Kanga. "This is my son! And I'm kind of daft in all other areas."
Timmy was hard though, as I'd already done a Winnie/Piglet to the Crosetti/Lewis partnership.
God, this is reminding me of that part in "Fortress of Solitude" where the geek boys claim that you could take any group in history and assess it through "Beatle dynamics". I thought they were hopeless, but this is worse.
Sheeesh. People should stick to using Buffy characters for these kinds of comparisons. Freaks.
I like the Eeyore to Munch comparison, too, although I see Eeyore as sort of an Oscar Wilde-an too-smart-for-you-yobbos-too-laconic-to-leave kinda guy these days.
Sheeesh. People should stick to using Buffy characters for these kinds of comparisons. Freaks.
I prefer to use a Peanuts based template for my personality typing.