Steph, I want to thank you for pimping Kiki Strike. I picked it up on Tuesday (while buying the newest Stephenie Meyer book for the kid) and I'm loving it! So fun!
Okay, it only took me 2 weeks to reply to this, but -- you're welcome! Isn't it fun? I'm hoping there will be more.
ION, I'm reading Sarah Monette's newest book, The Mirador, and I'm finding that I can't remember very much of what happened in Melusine and The Virtu, and I don't really want to re-read them. Which is making The Mirador a little confusing.
I'm hoping there will be more.
There will be! I saw on Amazon that there is a new one coming out on Oct 2nd Yayay! Kiki Strike: The Empress's Tomb. I was tempted to preorder it but I have shipping anexiety (ironic since I work for a multi-national shipping company)
I'm hoping there will be more.
There will be! I saw on Amazon that there is a new one coming out on Oct 2nd
Excellent! That's only a month (ish) away!
YALSA also puts out lists of popular YA books for a variety of different POV (reluctant readers, genres, etc). I use it quite a bit to order books for my classroom library.
Which, for those many wonderful people who donated, is going FABULOUS. I have to get pix up, and let me tell you, I am proud. Almost every day this year, I have at least one student who asks "Can I read this?"
Speaking of YA, anyone read Stefanie Meyers "Twlight" series? I git the newest one yesterday and read it....
I just finished reading
evil genius
by catherine Jinks. Really good, fun, if a bit unevenly paced. some compared it to Harry Potter, other( more correctly ) to Artemis Fowl. Darker than both. Oddly , though the stories were not similar it reminded me more of
Soon I will be invincible.
I know both books have just come out, but it is still odd that I have just read two books about th everyday lives of superheros/supervillians.
If anybody is looking for little kid books I highly recommned
Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus.
Pure silly fun.
That's the book I read 500 times ( matt says 43) To my nephew one weekend
Yes that is a reccomendation
I think if it had been around when I was a kid I might have enjoyed it more than
The Monster at the End of This Book.
I think if it had been around when I was a kid I might have enjoyed it more than The Monster at the End of This Book.
Aww! I still have that one, with my three or four year old writing of my name (complete with backwards N) (er, that'd be my real name, obviously, not meara. Which has no N)
That was apparently my favorite book for a long time. I mean, I remember liking it a lot, but my brother remembers that I would recite it along with my parents as they read it to me -- to the point that there was some question as to whether or not I could read, except that when pressed, I couldn't identify individual words on the page.
And actually, I have saved this post from the WEF for years because it always makes me laugh. This is why I love Matt Fraction -- apparently he was traumatized by it:
MONSTER made me call into question my perceptions of god, reality, fiction, and-- jeez, if Grover can be a monster, can't I be a monster too? For am I not at the end of the book as well?