The Harry Potter thread was mentioning some British kids series, and made me think of what Brit books I was reading as a kid.
Remember the Noel Streatfeild "Shoes" books? I always loved Ballet Shoes, but don't remember the details of any of the other books.
That was the big British kids series I remember reading as a child, in addition to some translated Swedish books like Pippi Longstocking and a few others, and the American classics from Louisa May Alcott and Laura Ingalls Wilder.
The others were more individual titles, like Sara Crewe, Black Beauty, etc.
I have several Streatfeild books. Dancing Shoes is my fave, but Theatre Shoes is pretty good too.
Moominsummer Madness!
That is one trippy series.
Moominsummer Madness!
I got Nilly a Moomin when she visited San Francisco. She grew up with them.
There was also Tennis Shoes. I remember really liking that one.
I remember Theatre Shoes and Ballet Shoes, and I know I read a third one but I can't remember what it was. Looking it up on Amazon, I found a whole slew of "Shoes" books I'd never heard of!
LOVE Ballet Shoes!!
Is this the same book that Emma Watson is starring in a new BBC adaption?
There are fanvids of ASOIAF.
Somewhat random question, but what's the word for a book within a book? Like, when there's a book that a character is reading, but that book only exists within the character's world, it's not a real book? I swear I know a word for this, but I can't remember it.