My copy of Spook Country is on it's way from amazon. Of course, I got TCG hooked on him, so I'll probably have to fight him for the copy when it comes in.
I like Gibson a lot more than Stephenson. I've never actually gotten through a Stephenson book, although I intend to eventually. Stephenson rambles too much for me, like he has to get out every tiny bit of information he knows about a subject whether or not it is relevant to the story. I prefer the density of Gibson's writing.
I just checked the book tour dates for Gibson.
He's in downtown San Francisco at Stacey's tomorrow at 12:30.
Then that night he's doing a reading in my neighborhood at 7pm, affiliated with Booksmith. (But in their bigger church venue they use for Big Name Writers).
He's in Seattle tonight. He'll be at Vroman's in SoCal on the 10th.
Chicago on the 13th, NYC the 14th.
That's wacky. He's reading at two of the four stores where I've had book readings.
I'd have thought he'd outgrown them, but maybe he's loyal to certain stores and bookers.
I got a copy of Spook Country at Canada Book Expo in June and just started reading it today so I'm glad to know it's an engaging read.
Embarrassing confession: I've never read any other Gibson. Shame!
Hec, where are Gibson's tour dates listed?
Ooh, new Gibson? Not looking, but marking the post, oh yeah.
I absolutely loved Cryptonomicon. Got about halfway through Quicksilver, then lost interest. Haven't tried Snow Crash.
like he has to get out every tiny bit of information he knows about a subject whether or not it is relevant to the story.
His earlier stuff was much tighter. I love his current rambling mode too, but at one point he did write books you could life with one hand.
I really like Stephenson, but I'll confess I haven't tackled the last two books. I felt like I needed to do more weight lifting to prepare. I'm a Gibson fan too, but they're very different writers. I really liked Snow Crash. It caught me up immediately with its contention that there are four things the United States does better than any other country: movies, music, software and high-speed pizza delivery.
William Gibson's book tour
Damn. We're supposed to be having dinner with my not!mil on the day he's going to be in Cambridge. Maybe she'll cancel.
His earlier stuff was much tighter. I love his current rambling mode too, but at one point he did write books you could life with one hand.
Thanks. I'll have to look for some of his earlier stuff.