Re early copies of HP: There's also a kerfuffle that sent out some of their copies early (approx. 1200), and Scholastic is going to sue.
Scholastic are also begging via press release that those who receive them prior to the actual release date not open the packages. Like that's going to happen.
oh dear ... the news is out (about early shipments of HP) - does this mean that rabid fans will be lurking in the shrubbery waiting to waylay hapless postal workers?
Someone on LJ who posted a snarky review, with quotes, got a DMCA take-down notice from LJ-abuse. WTF?
does this mean that rabid fans will be lurking in the shrubbery waiting to waylay hapless postal workers?
If this wasn't a distinct possibility, I'd say the image this... ahem... conjures is hilarious.
"Hand over the Harry and no one gets hurt." Let's hope nobody leaps out of a bush, points a twig, and yells "Expelliarmus!"
Snape borders on brilliant, in a book intially aimed purely at the younger set. "He hates your guts, he always will hate your guts, but he is on your side and you can depend on him." You don't have to be buddy-buddy with everyone to succeed at a common goal.
edit: Plus, Snape has good reason to hate James--though transferring it to Harry is petty.
Do you think they'll explain why Dumbledore continually hired incompetent/dangerous DADA profs?
They explained that in HBP - didn't they?
I mean isn't the
curse by Voldemort on the position the
reason that no DADA prof lasts more than a year?
That's why no prof lasts, but doesn't really explain why the profs are actual minions of evil--except Lupin, of course.
That's why no prof lasts, but doesn't really explain why the profs are actual minions of evil--except Lupin, of course.
Well, Mad-eyed Mooney wasn't evil. He never made it to take the job, but he was the one Dumbledore hired.
Side note: It's going to be very odd seeing Goblet of Fire again after watching Tennant in Doctor Who.
While nothing can keep me from diving head first into the book...though I'm conceding to skip the midnight distribution because I'm starting out at 6am the next day to walk 10 miles in ugly heat...the NYTimes review has taken just the teeniest edge off my zeal.
I'm expecting ti be exhausted in the way that Harry's unrelenting whinging in GoF wore me out. Oh my. I do so love these characters...
Well, if you knew that the person would only last a year. . . who would you choose?