That's right!
I'll have to put my name down to reserve #7 tonight, so I can pick it up while at work. I asked on Tuesday, and (so far) they have over 1200 reservations for the book just at my store alone. There's a fun promo banner there saying, "You've read 3,440 pages already. Only 784 to go."
I am rereading HP5 right now, I forgot how truly dark this one is. Like no glimmer of hope with relentless pounding of stupidity from above ( GWB, anyone) combined with basic adolescence angst. . I was talking with C , my co-worker's daughter, and she says 5 is her favorite. I think when I read it the first time my eyes were half closed - I think I missed a lot due to the pain. ( pain for the characters)
Beth, I had much the same reaction to Book 5. It's one I have not been able to bring myself to re-read.
My DH just re-read them all, and picked 5 as his favorite (unseating 3, who previously held that honor). He says she did a perfect job writing an adolescent boy.
But, he digs Russian novels too.
Oh, and, I don't know if I posted this already, but here's the difference between me and Mallory's godfather:
Our townhouse has dormer windows on the top, seemingly indicating a third floor, but they actually go into the attic. Mal's godparents were helping me move in, and O asked "What's behind those windows?" In unison, I said "Jane Eyre" and L said "Greg Brady's room."
(and yes, I know Jane wasn't the one in the attic)
I've not been rereading my HP as I intended. I got sucked into various books due to HAVING A LIBRARY WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE! So very excited.
I'm reading
Queen Bees and Wanna-Bes
right now, and Joe is reading
Queen Bee Moms and Kingpin Dads
by her as well.
Awesome stuff. Highly rec for anyone with daughters.
Raq - do you do librarything?
Funny HP7-related story -- the UAHC recently commissioned a new prayerbook to replace Gates of Prayer in Reform Jewish synagogues throughout the country. Unfortunately, the first run of the new books had a major printing error and several pages were badly smeared. The HP link? Because the HP books and the UAHC prayerbooks use the same kind of paper, the UAHC is now in a major time crunch to order the reprints before the presses run out!
Salon gathered bunches of people to speculate on the new HP.