Well, that's cool of him. But I have never enjoyed one of his books, and tend to finish them only when trapped on a trans-Atlantic flight. I find him a bit pompous.
He is a bit pompous. When he and Gibson were media-touring The Difference Engine, Sterling was a monster windbag, and I'm convinced that persona was intentional. But I do have a lot of his books. I think I like Islands in the Net the best. He's definitely smart and can be funny.
I didn't much like The Difference Engine, though.
So I was just reading the Amazon excerpts of Diamond Age, and I need that book. I'd forgotten how much I like it. I was thinking to myself how well he shows the scifi elements instead of telling about it, and then hit a paragraph where he tells about the character's understanding of women, in a more authorial-opinion kind of voice. But it's okay, because it's not "look at all the cool stuff I made up!" I'm hecka fond of that book.
Right. Bed.
I've got a copy of Diamond Age you can have, Emily. Free!
This message was paid for by The Committee to Give Teachers Free Books.
The Girl Genius comics [link] also give good steampunk
Oh, yes. I just started reading that several weeks ago and I am dearly in love with that series.
Teppy, I'm delighted to hear that you're enjoying "The Anubis Gates." My favorite Tim Powers novel, however, is "Last Call."
If you don't like what I like, you're stupid; if you like what I don't like you're an asshole.
For a long time, I (not intentionally) held to a twisted version of this, something more along the lines of "If you don't like what I like, I'm a nerd; if you like what I don't like, I'm unsophisticated."
Far as I can tell, the most definitive piece of "steampunk" lit out there is The Difference Engine, by Gibson and Sterling. Essentially an alt-history novel about what mighta happened if Charles Babbage had created a computer revolution a couple hundred years early. G&S may have deliberately started the literary movement; it's the sort of thing that both of them would enjoy doing, for different reasons.
But for comics, Girl Genius is probably as iconic as The Difference Engine.
As for the
If you don't like what I like, you're stupid;
if you like what I don't like you're an asshole.
dealie, have y'all seen this?
Oh, that is brilliant and awesome.
Today, I scanned/entered all of my books into Delicious Library. They're uploading into my librarything account as we speak.
I am disappointed that i only have 220 books in my apartment. It does not feel like nearly a large enough number, and yet I don't have nearly enough shelf space for the hundreds more I want to have.
This seemed literary-appropriate - it's official! librarians are hot!
Did I kill the thread? or the hot librarians made everyone quietly shelve themselves in their bunks?