Any word on whether that's more likely to be the genuine article or a hoax?
I'm still wondering about this question Anne raised a couple of days ago. Spoiler or foiler? Is there some braver soul than I who's already ventured out amongst the wankery and the craxyfen and found any kind of consensus?
I did a bit of searching just now and haven't found anything but a lot of people calling "Bullshit."
I told my co-worker about the existence of the spoiler/foiler and she didn't want to hear it, but she is of the opinion that that happens anyway.
I think it'll happen, in some sort of redemptive scene. But I've thought that for a while.
t happy to have connie with me...
Steph, I just noticed your tag line. One of my favorite memories from the drive from LA to Michigan was of Joe and I bellowing that song - the whole song - at the top of our lungs with the windows rolled down as we drove through the plains of Nebraska. It was an awesome moment.