That's how I'm feeling about Red Rising -- I feel like I should like this, but I don't. So far it's just making me think of the "jolly steerage class partying it up" scene from Titanic, and it's just making me grind my teeth.
Good intel in Hyperion, thanks. Yeah, I maybe should have read it decades ago, but I didn't, and now I'm just... well, a curmudgeon.
I may give another chapter a shot with Hyperion, but I think I'm going to ditch Red Rising unless someone else here chimes in with more thoughts.
Eh, there’s no should about it. I had forgotten about the Canterbury Takes aspect, now that I think about there were definitely some tales I liked more than others, and probably the later ones more than earlier? So my advice is: go ahead and finish Hyperion but don’t bother with the rest of the series
Cool, thanks!
I meant should in the "I might have liked it better when I was younger and things in general were newer to me" sense -- like, if I'd wanted to like it, I should have read it earlier, ha!
I haven't read Red Rising myself (yet), but I bought the first book on the strength of the really, really strong recommendation of a friend whose opinion I value. I'm not sure how strong of a data point that is, but there it is.
Ooh, cool. I look forward to your review!
I'd wanted to like it, I should have read it earlier,
Oh, that totally makes sense!
If you like it I will reconsider my stance, Epic. It’s very possible that what I didn’t like about the samples was the production (I think was one of those “full cast” readings which I can hate even if I like the source material (not always, sometimes I love them. I wish I knew what the critical difference that led to those divergent outcomes was!))
Well, unfortunately, I won't be getting to it soon! My library has been annoyingly prompt with bringing in my holds lately, so those are priority. But I'll let you know. Patrick (my friend) was a really big reader, and a very smart guy, so if he recommended it (and seriously, he REALLY recommended it), it must have ... err ... something to recommend it.
I read Hyperion something like 30 years ago, it’s pretty hazy.
Same here. I remember the worldbuilding more than any of the characters, but I am glad to have read them. (That house that one guy has in Endymion? I want to live there! Except for the, um, consequences.)
Just finished listening to Murder by Memory thanks to -t's post. Very fun!
I actually just listened to it myself yesterday! Very pleased with it - the world building is interesting, the mystery is good, and Dorothy Gentleman is a likable detective