I have read Fourth Wing but not the sequels. It was entertaining but not super more so than other similar books I've read, so I don't quite get why it's getting SOOO much love? But whatever.
I spent part of the afternoon downloading about 5 years worth of books from my amazon account--I didn't bother with most of the trashy romances I'll never re-read, and the last couple years I've bought relatively little because I read more from Kindle Unlimited and the library, but it was still a lot of books. And apparently I hadn't done it in 5 years. And then I made sure Calibre was up to date and de-DRMd them all. Had a random bunch that wouldn't, but when I added my kindle serial number to the de-DRM plugin, it worked. Yay! It's stupid, because it's not even like I'm doing anything other than making it easier to load these onto my iPad or future reading devices if I want? (yes, I can read in the kindle app on my iPad but sometimes I want to just download a series and not see all the other many books, so I side load from Calibre and read from iBooks). I'm not out here pirating my book hoard. The most I've done is let my sister read some of them. I don't even know how to pirate books these days! (Let's not talk about years ago, what I may have known or done). But it annoys me and makes me WANT to give copies of more of these books to friends. Hrmph. I feel curmudgeonly, but it did help distract me from the burning of our republic!