Angel: He is dead. Technically, he's undead. It's a zombie. Connor: What's a zombie? Angel: It's an undead thing. Connor: Like you? Angel: No, zombies are slow-moving, dimwitted things that crave human flesh. Connor: Like you. Angel: No! It's different. Trust me.


Literary Buffistas 3: Don't Parse the Blurb, Dear.

There's more to life than watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer! No. Really, there is! Honestly! Here's a place for Buffistas to come and discuss what it is they're reading, their favorite authors and poets. "Geez. Crack a book sometime."

megan walker - Nov 24, 2023 9:34:08 am PST #27806 of 28033
"What kind of magical sunshine and lollipop world do you live in? Because you need to be medicated."-SFist

It has been such a joy to discover Sabatini this year.

megan walker - Nov 24, 2023 6:09:39 pm PST #27807 of 28033
"What kind of magical sunshine and lollipop world do you live in? Because you need to be medicated."-SFist

Hints are up: [link]

aurelia - Nov 25, 2023 4:54:05 pm PST #27808 of 28033
All sorrows can be borne if you put them into a story. Tell me a story.

#2 is taunting me. I just can't quite pull it out of the memory bank.

megan walker - Nov 25, 2023 9:57:25 pm PST #27809 of 28033
"What kind of magical sunshine and lollipop world do you live in? Because you need to be medicated."-SFist

#2 is taunting me. I just can't quite pull it out of the memory bank.

An interesting statement given the story.

Toddson - Nov 27, 2023 7:25:25 am PST #27810 of 28033
Friends don't let friends read "Atlas Shrugged"

I'm SO looking forward to a new Saint of Steel book. FYI, I recently finished a book about the Royal Wardrobe. I got the e-book on sale and it would have greatly benefitted from illustrations; maybe the hard copy has them. In just reading about various royals' styles, it got to be kind of boring; also, I kept finding historic inaccuracies, which left me sitting there, kind of going, "but, but, but".

dcp - Nov 27, 2023 8:17:54 am PST #27811 of 28033
"I yam what I yam and that's all what I yam," -- Popeye

I recently came across this video [link] which was delightful, and which led m me to this:

I know a little man both ept and ert.
An intro-? extro-? No, he’s just a vert.
Sheveled and couth and kempt, pecunious, ane,
His image trudes upon the ceptive brain.
When life turns sipid and the mind is traught,
The spirit soars as I would sist it ought.
Chalantly then, like any gainly goof,
My digent self is sertive, choate, loof.
David McCord (1897-1997)
The Oxford Book of American Light Verse

I need help parsing "ceptive" and "sist", please. Any ideas?

meara - Nov 27, 2023 8:39:39 am PST #27812 of 28033

Insist? Perceptive or Deceptive?

-t - Nov 27, 2023 9:06:50 am PST #27813 of 28033
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

Receptive? Agree on "insist"

megan walker - Nov 27, 2023 2:49:34 pm PST #27814 of 28033
"What kind of magical sunshine and lollipop world do you live in? Because you need to be medicated."-SFist

The answers to my First Lines challenge: [link]

-t - Nov 27, 2023 3:27:56 pm PST #27815 of 28033
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

As I suspected, the ones I couldn't get I never would have. But now I want to read some of them