Apparently the audio book is fantastic
I've heard that too. I normally don't like audiobooks, but the voices are such a big part of the book that if they got them right (and when Mel Brooks is your dad, you can make a few calls to good actors...), I can see it really adding something to the experience that just having a book read aloud doesn't usually do for me.
Rest in Peace, Lloyd Alexander.
Damn, first Bo Diddley and now this. Somebody's picking off my personal heroes.
I loved The Chronicles of Prydain as much as I loved anything in my childhood.
Somebody's picking off my personal heroes.
He was 83. I don't think he was picked off so much as went off. It's a good old age.
Wait, Bo Diddley died?
He had a stroke, but his condition is much improved:
It's time for the annual "crap, I have to get my dad a birthday present" post. Anyone have book recommendations in the sort of non-fiction, historical or political areas?
What area of history or politics? Serious or satire?
Either. I've given him a Molly Ivins book before. He's a leftie like me, obviously.