Wanderers is so good.
We teach The Stand as a first-read/first-year MFA genre fiction book, and while that one isn't my fave, it's excellent for talking about various genre elements and tools.
Consuela - a sequel is coming for GE, plus I've read the new book and it's very good.
Oh, yay - I loved the Goblin Emperor ... I looked at some of her other e-books, but they just didn't sound like what I wanted. Also, I have so many backed up ... Smart Bitches Trashy Books has a daily e-books on sale (which is where I spotted the Jemison) and, well, I'm weak.
Today, from Smart Bitches, Mira Grant's Into the Drowning Deep is on sale for $2.99. See here. This is the second of her "mermaid" books.
I've been rereading Gail Carrieager's Parasol Protectorate series. And a lot of fanfic. I just don't have the mental energy to meet a lot of new (fictional) people right now.
I love all her spinoff novellas!
A new Goblin Emperor book? Oh happy day, calloo callay!
My boss love the Parasol Protectorate series.
I got some new manga and I'm powering through a YA biography of Bonnie & Clyde which is fascinating.
And of course, trying out new gay romance audio books. Joel Leslie as narrator is my woobie.
I will always have a soft spot in my heart for the Parasol Protectorate novels, because Ivy Hisselpenny is THE BEST.
(Dunno why I bounced off the tie-in YA novels, but the first didn't grab me and I haven't gotten around to the others.)
ooh, the Kindle version of Anno Dracula is on sale for $1.99 (clickety-click!)
Argument with husband. He insists audiobooks are not "reading."
I will die on this hill.