So now I have the goblin emperor on audiobook and The Thief on hold from the library so thanks!
I just finished listening to Girl on a Train. Not to be confused with The Girl on the Train. I thought the former was the latter until like 85% of the way through when I tried to talk about it with my wife and we both got confused. I was in the "this is pretty fun but feels like a kind of simple and amateurish mystery why was it so popular?" state, but then I was freed when I realized it's actually a semi-self-published $2.99 on Kindle pulpy mystery and I was able to enjoy it much more for what it was. I recommend it if you enjoy that sort of thing!
I got a library card in SC ! It has a mermaid on it. I'm really excited because I have access to so much more than I have in a very long time. I got a Harry Dresden book from the audiobook app they have and I realized I don't remember it. I thought I had read them all...but no I missed several. So I returned that audiobook and I'm going to have to figure out which book I need and get it. They had limited Dresden options on the app.
However they had a lot of Doctor Who novelizations. I randomly picked on with the Fourth Doctor and Romana.
And inter library loan does have a fee but it's a dollar per request rather than paying part of postage both ways.
I've given up on Consider Phlebas
I managed to finish it, but it turned me off Banks forever.
cough i don't know this for reasons but authors who write books like the Goblin Emperor would probably be delighted to hear of the love by means electronic or otherwise. (she is amazing and that book is amazing)
also peeking back in here to see how lit this channel is made me so happy
also for T. Kingfisher fans, my favorite from last year, simply for the first line but also everything that follows this: [link]
Adding Goblin Emperor to my list.
LOL--hippocampus, somehow I don't think I had ever googled the author of the Goblin Emperor, so I knew it was a pseudonym for someone, but not who (but now that I googled her it's in her Wikipedia). I don't think I've ever read her other stuff, is it similar at all?
The gnoles are awesome, yes to more of them! T. Kingfisher in general is good times.
-- Meara she co-wrote one of my favorite space opera short stories of all time. "Boojum". [link]
Goblin Emperor has a special place in my heart and I am so very much in favor of more there.